
Pelem Nibung, Nibung Palm

Alias: Ruyung, Pelem Nibung, Nibung palm
Tribe: Arecaceae

Oncosperma tigillarum (Jack) Ridl - Nibung is one of prickly Palm type that generally been known by persisir's resident, as Riau's Region. Nibung's palm have clung by Riau's society life since anciently. This situation gets to be proven by marks sense severally place e.g., Nibung's cape, Nibung's bay that perpetuate that cress. Besides this relevance is seeming too in poetry or expression even its traditional. Meanwhile Nibung's exploit so medley for example, erect Nibung can be utilized for building material (floor, pipe for aqueduct etcetera), and cane. In Cane custom ceremony Nibung / Ruyung's Cane as symbol outgrows it nibung's role at ago term to Riau's Malay lifes. So nibung's cane is made kind of symbol honour for someone which is looked on deserving or person even that made by doyen or elder and is respected.
Oncosperma tigillarium
Leaf to thatch house and basket whiz. Its flower can for rice aroma. Umbut and its catkin can make vegetable and its fruit can too be used as friend of supplementary betel eating fruit keeps company with. Nibung's barb panting the so called is used as spike of sesanji's building in custom ceremony. Nibung stills to grow meliar and constitutes Indonesian area original plant.

Nibung comprises Palm group that stills wild, tufted growing as bamboo. One Nibung's Palm has 5-18 seeds. Bar high / tree gets to reach 30 m, out of wind and brambly, 20 surrounding erect diameter cm. its leaf is coconut lamellar its tip rather warped so its seeming coronet is beautiful. Flowers stalking color sunny yellow. Flowers gets to form bunch as mayang coconut that hangs, color numbers purple yellow. In each mayang there is 2 forsythias, male flower and female flower. Generally 1 female flower to be flanked by 2 male flowers. seludang is flower packer also prickly. Its fruit is domed, berried one purple ground surface dark.

Nibung grows up at lowland that wet climate change. Its broadcast is circumscribed by and large near beach forest that gets bod water. And good growing on a high 0-50 m above the sea level.


Anggrek Bulan, Moon Orchid

Alias: Large white orchid, Bombo is brightness, colan's orchid.
Tribe: Orchidaceae

Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume - Moon orchid was known long time enough at Indonesian which is have at describes by G. E. Rumphius on year 1950, base collection from Ambon. Constitute one of interesting orchid type between thousands orchid that dwell this archipelago. Scattered nearly at all place at Indonesian. Its flower color that a large part whitewashed and well-nigh membundar causes kindred with moon of too far. Really correct if moon orchid is chosen as Spellbound flower since its aesthetical. Therefore doesn't marvel if moon orchid have a lot of is utilized as parent of crossing.

Phalaenopsis Amabilis

epifit's orchid that gets to erect short. Daunya is thick. Its flower series can reach 1 meter and oftentimes branching. Calyx and its crown laps over on one area and as almost domed, whitewashed chromatic. Its lip is thick, curve and consisting of three lobes, meruncing's middle part with two suckers at left its right. Its flower series is lightsome and gets to result 10 20 flowers and consecutive blooms of jetty go to its tip.

Moon orchid is scattered at Indonesia even until Queensland. Even at growing nature at tempoat is opened, but then can be cultivated meagrely naungan. Its weeny seed at nature germinates if associate by mushroom mikoriza. Ordinary moon orchid at artificial ala breeding via its seed because sparse results to new stock down.


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